You can just google birth control and it magically shows up?

It’s so stupid I don’t even know which of the shitty Rethuglican’s said that.

It’s also timely since I got the preliminary statement from the hospital about the cost of my IUD insertion.

Hold your breath kids, it’s about to real.

$1950, plus the $30 copay, plus an additional $30 in prescriptions.

Now this is before my insurance pays its chunk, so I will probably end up paying $650. And this was attempt #4, so there are copays and etc from previous attempts.

All this for 5 to 7 years of birth control and (legs crossed for luck!) period control. I can’t do the math to figure out what that breaks down to per year, but we’ll go with $100. Which is not bad. But it’s super fucking pricey up front, that’s for damn sure.

Could Google have delivered an IUD straight to my lady bits? Cause if it could, I would have skipped the jaws of life cervix clamp those 4 fucking times I had to deal with it (That last time was, in all fairness, a breeze thanks to super fucking awesome specialist IUD placing doc. Who listened when I said “Freaked out” and used all the lidocaine in the world before doing anything. Plus mega dose of valium.I love you Doctor P. even when the Valium has worn off. I love you!!!!)

This is rambley. What I mean is if reliable birth control were as easy and cheap to come by as searching Google is, we wouldn’t be having this stupid fucking debate all over the country about women’s right to health care. There would never have been a “Show your boss your whore pills” bill in AZ. The Catholic shitheads Bishops would have to complain to Google instead of Congress because they can’t get their own damn parishioners to follow their own damn rules.

We women (and people with unterii) have gone through no understandable amount of pain and sacrifice and hardship to both not be pregnant and to be pregnant. It’s work. It’s spendy. It’s painful. And for fucking once it would be nice if the be-penised half of the population stood up in a full-throated scream and supported us, instead of (best case scenario) using our lady-bits as a political trump card (cough*Obama*cough) or worst as a torture device (cough*every-last-rethuglican-cough).

But fuck it. I’m good till I am 44. I can outlast almost 2 whole new presidential terms. You all can keep playing stupid asshole games, but my uterus ain’t your football no more.